Posted in Women Who Wow Wednesday

Anna and Elsa

If you haven’t seen the movie Frozen and want to see it, don’t read this post. I will spoil it for you. Jump to the last paragraph. If you have seen it, then you will know why I chose both Anna and Elsa as this week’s Women Who Wow Wednesday feature. I couldn’t choose one or the other because one wouldn’t be complete without the other. Therefore, it’s a special day when I not only can chat about one inspiring character, but also present a second one who equally inspires.

Frozen's Anna and Elsa
Frozen’s Anna and Elsa

Princesses Anna and Elsa were little girls when it happened. Elsa has a magical gift. She’s able to spin snow from nothingness. With the wave of a hand, she’s also able to create frozen mountains, ice rinks and snow slides. But one morning Anna’s excitement got the best of her. Wanting Elsa to play with her in the palace, Anna coaxed her to create an indoor winterscape complete with an ice rink and snowman. Unable to keep up with Anna’s delightful exuberance, Elsa blames herself for the accident that follows.

Years later, when Elsa becomes Queen Elsa of Arendelle, during the evening festivities of her coronation, she turns on her sister, forbidding her to marry a man she just met. This doesn’t sit well with Anna prompting her to ask why Elsa has grown cold toward her. Little does Anna know that Elsa is attempting to protect her from her magical powers with, of which she believes she once supposedly attacked Anna.

Elsa and Anna
Elsa and Anna

This leads Elsa to lash out in fear of hurting anyone else. She retreats to the mountains, conjuring an ice castle where she plans to live for the rest of her life, alone from everyone and anyone she loves. Anna has all she can do to blame herself for her sister’s sudden departure from the kingdom and desire to live alone.

As the story progresses, the audience has a first class seat to enjoying one of the most interesting relationships Disney has ever created.

Anna’s optimism is contagious, and her forgiving nature, incredible. No matter how many times Elsa shuts her out, Anna remains firm in her belief that they will one day be sisters again, just like it was when they were little girls. At the same time, Elsa tries her best not to hurt anyone with her ice powers. She doesn’t care if no one understands, as long as everyone’s safe, that’s what’s important to her.

Frozen is nothing short of amazing. However, the characters Anna and Elsa are two personalities one will not easily forget. As beautiful the music is and as funny as the story goes, nothing comes close to the interactions these sisters have with one another and the ultimate joy they express when being together.

If you’re looking for a story to keep you entertained, Anna and Elsa’s will inspire and enrich in the film Frozen. One thing though, one view’s not enough to absorb all the little character nuances. Prepare to become enthralled many times over by the movie’s music and magic.


Have you seen Frozen? Did you like the character Anna? What did you like most about her?


Jack Flacco is an author and the founder of Looking to God Ministries, an organization dedicated to spreading the Word of God through outreach programs, literature and preaching.

20 thoughts on “Anna and Elsa

  1. We still love this movie. The message about what “true love” means is pretty refreshing. The two sisters are in such a strong relationship it feels like one person.My favorite dynamic about their relationship is both have strengths and weaknesses, but they do not compete or compare. They support each other the best way they know and learn from each other. That is, in my opinion, what makes their relationship so compelling. Sorry I rambled a bit. I loved this pick and piece!!

  2. So glad you picked these sisters! Are you going to do a post about Olaf’s zombie-like traits as well? Haha!

  3. We love this movie around these parts. Little One sings along to all m the songs. Let It Go is her fave—I posted a video of her singing it on Monday. I am not ashamed to say I teared up once or twice watching Frozen. It was awesome to see a Disney movie that focused on the relationship between siblings, because siblings are the best.

    1. This is such a beautiful movie. The songs are catchy, the emotion behind the story is amazing. I can’t get enough of seeing the little facial expressions on all the characters. Such a great movie!

  4. Greatreview, Jack! It’s a fabulous story and such great advice to girls about what to look for in a guy. The best thing is girls are singing let it go and as they get older that catchy song will mean more to them.

  5. I love this movie, even though I didn’t expect to. And you are right– it’s worth watching more than once because of the subtle nuances (some of the facial expressions are hilarious!).

  6. It’s funny how I see more praise and fandom for Elsa than Anna. I actually didn’t know Anna was the main character until a week before I saw the movie. Now I have that ‘Snowman’ song stuck in my head.

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