Posted in Devotions

The LORD Is Our Rock and Our Fortress

Do you believe God will not leave you or forsake you? You do well, for He has given His Son Jesus so that you may live. He will not allow sin to choke the very hope that is in you. His deliverance is as sure as the sun rises and the sun sets.

I love you, O LORD, my strength.
The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised,
and I am saved from my enemies.

(Psalms 18:1-3)

Our enemies may cause us to stumble. That ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, may raise walls against us. Fear not and take heart, for God Himself will provide us a way of escape. All will one day bow their knees to the Eternal. Not a one shall escape His judgment.

Our God made the heavens and the earth. He made all that is. Has the sun so vanished from the sky? Has the ocean dried up from shore to shore? Be it far from us! Then how difficult would it be for God to send an angel to pull us from the mire? No other God can do that.

God’s plan will not fail. We will not fall short of the purpose for which He has created us. He will purge our lives of the sin that seeks to ensnare us. He will defeat our enemies. They will drop to their knees. The Lord is our rock and our fortress.


Jack Flacco is an author and the founder of Looking to God Ministries, an organization dedicated to spreading the Word of God through outreach programs, literature and preaching.

22 thoughts on “The LORD Is Our Rock and Our Fortress

  1. I once “believed” God would not forsake me. But then I experienced some difficult times in life and now I “know” God will not forsake me. I am 76 years old and He has been with me all these years through some difficult times. He IS faithful!

  2. Sublime and thoughtful post – and even if we don’t see the battle won and the principalities of evil fall as we stand upon our rock as mortal. We are assured through the grace of our loving father that life shall prevail, love shall prevail and that the light shall always prevail. For we stand not upon sand but upon the rock of ages and that is, for God is, Aa-meen 🙏

  3. God is always there ready to help us up and dust ourselves off when we fall flat on our face in the dirt, he will show us the way we should be heading and will walk with us on the journey as long as we allow him to do so.

  4. Thank you for your thoughtful and inspiring message. Your words are a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering presence and His promise of deliverance. Indeed, His faithfulness is as constant as the rising and setting of the sun. The passages from Psalms you shared echo deeply within me, reinforcing my trust in God as my rock, fortress, and deliverer.

    In times of struggle and when facing our enemies, it is comforting to know that God is our refuge and strength, and that He will always provide a way for us. I am grateful for the encouragement and the reminder of His mighty power and love.

    May we continue to lean on His strength and trust in His plans, confident that He will never leave us or forsake us.

    Thank you again for your uplifting words.

    God Bless You today and always.

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