Posted in Devotions

His Love Endures Forever

As many stars are in the sky, His love endures forever. As the ocean is large, His love endures forever. As many times as we repent, His love endures forever. For the stars may fail, the oceans may drain, and we may stumble, His love endures forever.

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.”

(1 Chronicles 16:34)

As sure as the sun rises and the sun sets, His love endures forever. The winds in a storm may increase, the earth may shatter beneath our feet, and walls may collapse all around us, but His love endures forever. We may lose our ability to reason, yet His love endures forever.

God loves freely, unconditionally and without bounds. His nature affords life to all. Darkness does not exist in Him, for He is light. He bore light at the beginning of the world, and with it, He continues to impart His children with truth. The devil may tempt us, but God’s love endures forever.

No trial shall triumph over us, no suffering shall overtake us, and no tribulation shall remove us from our Lord, for His love endures forever.

His Word is steadfast, immovable and boundless. His love endures forever.


Jack Flacco is an author and the founder of Looking to God Ministries, an organization dedicated to spreading the Word of God through outreach programs, literature and preaching.

23 thoughts on “His Love Endures Forever

  1. This is an awesome scripture, Jack. Thank you for sharing. I really like your last sentence:

    “His Word is steadfast, immovable and boundless. His love endures forever.”

    Wow. This is an incredible truth.

    God’s blessings…

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